Grace Morris

~ Thursday, June 6, 2024


iPhones are fantastic devices, but even the latest models can experience performance issues over time. Apps may take a long time to load, and scrolling can become frustratingly slow.


If your once-speedy iPhone now feels like a sluggish snail, don’t worry! Naglotech has some simple tips to restore your iPhone’s performance and enjoy a faster, smoother experience.



Give it a Restart: The Digital Power Nap

It might seem obvious, but when was the last time you turned off your device? Just like us, iPhones benefit from an occasional reboot. Restarting your phone clears temporary files, closes lingering apps, and frees up memory. This simple step is an effective way to refresh your iPhone and enhance its performance.


Clean Out the Digital Clutter

Our iPhones often accumulate unnecessary photos, videos, and apps, becoming digital hoarders. Do you really need all those selfies? This digital clutter can slow down your device. Dedicate some time to declutter your iPhone for better performance!

Remove Unused Apps

Let's face it, we often download apps we rarely touch. It's time to declutter! Identify those unused apps and give your phone some breathing room. Not only will you free up storage space, but you'll also improve battery life by reducing background activity.

Utilise iOS's Smart Storage Feature

iOS offers a clever solution to decluttering: Offload Unused Apps. This handy feature keeps an app's data while removing the app itself, saving precious storage space. When you need the app again, simply re-download it without losing any data.

Take Control of Background App Refresh

Background App Refresh can be a sneaky battery drainer. Customise your settings to disable refresh for apps you don't need constantly updated. This simple tweak can significantly extend your battery life.

Streamline Your Podcast Collection

Podcasts are fantastic for on-the-go entertainment, but they can also hog your storage. Take a moment to review and delete those forgotten downloads. Your device will thank you for the extra space.

Review Your Photos and Videos

Optimise your photo and video collection by conducting a thorough review. Eliminate blurry images, duplicates, and any unnecessary files. Explore cloud storage solutions such as iCloud Photos or OneDrive to securely store your cherished memories without cluttering your device's storage capacity. Take advantage of their automatic upload functionality, ensuring seamless integration with your device whenever you capture new moments.


Protect Your Privacy and Battery Life

Apps tracking your location in the background? Not cool. Review your Location Services settings and restrict access for apps that don't require constant location updates. Your battery will thank you.


Smooth Things Out by Reducing Motion Effects

Apple's fancy motion effects may look cool, but they can also slow down your device. Turn off unnecessary motion effects to free up processing power and give your iPhone a speed boost.


Update Your Apps and iOS

Don't neglect those app and iOS updates! They often contain vital performance improvements and security fixes. Keep your device running smoothly by ensuring you're always up-to-date.


Take Charge of Automatic Downloads

Automatic updates are handy, but they can disrupt your phone's performance. Consider switching to manual updates to ensure they occur at the most convenient times, boosting your phone's efficiency.


Monitor Your Battery Health

A worn-out battery can significantly impact performance. Check your battery health regularly and consider replacing it if it's below 80%. Your iPhone will thank you with improved speed and responsiveness.


When All Else Fails: Factory Reset

Sometimes a fresh start is needed. If your iPhone is still sluggish, a factory reset might be the solution. But proceed with caution! Back up your data and sign out of iCloud before taking this drastic step.


Follow these expert tips to diagnose and address any slowdown issues plaguing your iPhone. With a little maintenance, you'll have your device running like new again in no time!


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Naglotech don’t just deal with iPhones! Our team are also specialists in Android and VoIP phones along with tablets, laptops and other devices.

Contact Naglotech today to see how we can help.

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